
Fund Key Features

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Informatiom Memorandum


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Key Feature Summary Section Reference
Fund Domicile Australia "Important Notice" Section
Fund Currency Australian Dollars "Important Notice" Section
Structure Melbourne Securities Corporation Limited is the Trustee of, and issuer of units in, the Fund (a unit trust) offered under this Information Memorandum. The Fund is not a registered managed investment scheme under the Corporations Act. The Investment Manager manages the Fund's investment portfolio "Important Notice" Section
Investor Eligibility Wholesale Clients (as defined in the Corporations Act 2001) "Important Notice" Section
Administrator MSC Abacus Pty Ltd "Important Notice" Section
Management and Performance Fees Management fee: 2% p.a. (exclusive of GST) of the Net Asset Value of the Fund, payable monthly in arrears Performance fee: 20% (exclusive of GST) on the Fund's outperformance of a hurdle rate of 8% above the Benchmark return on a net of fees basis, payable annually Section 11.1 Section 11.2
Expenses All expenses properly incurred by the Trustee and their agents are payable out of the Fund Section 11.3
Taxation It is not intended for the Fund to pay tax, on the basis that all income of the Fund (if any) will be distributed to investors. Refer to the 'Taxation Considerations' section for more information Section 12
Fund Type Unregistered managed investment scheme (open-ended unit trust) Section 13.3
Trustee Melbourne Securities Corporation Limited (ACN 160 326 545), AFSL No. 428289 Section 3
Investment Manager Global Funds Management Corporation Pty Ltd (ACN 630 539 543) Corporate Authorised Representative No. [001278006] of JRP Securities Pty Ltd (ACN 167 104 163). AFSL No. 455657 (Licensee) Melbourne Securities Corporation Limited (ACN 160 326 545), AFSL No. 428289 Section 3
Investment Vehicle Emerald Australian Growth Fund, an Australian unit trust Section 4
Investment Objective The Fund aims to outperform the Australian All Ordinaries Index (Benchmark) annually on a net of fees basis. The Fund may not be successful in meeting this objective. Returns are not guaranteed Section 4.1
Investment Strategy The Investment Manager employs a quantitative and discretionary approach, focusing on companies displaying a positive and sustainable earnings growth trajectory. The Fund will implement efficient portfolio management aimed at minimizing capital losses which may at times include moving the Fund's assets fully into cash. The Investment Manager will seek to limit the maximum exposure to any single investment at 5% of the Net Asset Value of the Fund, as at the time of investment Section 4.2
Investment Type The Fund will invest primarily in Australian listed shares Section 4.4
Minimum Initial Investment $50,000.00* Section 5.1
Minimum Additional Investment $10,000.00* Section 5.1
Applications Monthly, on 3 Business Days' notice to the Administrator. Applications will be processed on the first Business Day of each month Section 5.4
Redemptions Monthly, with 20 Business Days' prior written notice to the Administrator. Redemptions will be processed on the last Business Day of each month, and it is expected that redemption proceeds will be paid within 15 Business Days'. Redemptions may be suspended or deferred in certain circumstances Section 6.2
Buy Spread 1.00% will be added to the Net Asset Value per Unit when applying for new Units in the Fund Section 6.5
Sell Spread 1.00% will be deducted from the Net Asset Value per Unit when redeeming Units from the Fund Section 6.5
Unit pricing frequency Monthly Section 7
Distributions 30 June each year (if any). Distributions will be automatically reinvested in the Fund unless otherwise notified by the Unitholder Section 8