
Valuation of the Fund

Valuation of the Fund

In determining the Net Asset Value of the Fund, the Fund's assets and liabilities are valued on each Valuation Day. Generally, for Unit pricing purposes, listed securities are valued using the last available market close price quoted on the relevant exchange. Other assets are generally valued at recoverable value. Any income entitlements and cash at bank are also included in asset values used to calculate the application and redemption price.

Generally, for Unit pricing purposes, liabilities are valued at cost. Liabilities also include an accrual for management costs (which includes management fees up to and including the calculation date and a performance fee if payable up to the date before the calculation date) and for costs (if any) that a Unitholder would ordinarily incur when investing in the Fund's underlying assets.

The Trustee has delegated to the Administrator the determination of the Net Asset Value of the Fund and the Net Asset Value per Unit, subject to the overall supervision and direction of the Trustee. In determining the Net Asset Value of the Fund and the Net Asset Value per Unit, the Administrator will follow the valuation policies and procedures adopted by the Fund as set out above. For the purpose of calculating the Net Asset Value of the Fund, the Administrator and the Trustee will not be responsible for the accuracy of, financial data furnished to it by market makers and/or independent third party pricing services.

The Administrator or the Trustee may also use and rely on industry standard financial models or other financial models approved by the Trustee in pricing any of the Fund’s securities or other assets. The Administrator may accept, use and rely on such prices in determining the Net Asset Value of the Fund and shall not be liable to the Fund in so doing.
